RED LIGHT Stimulates cell activity, enhances the secretion and renewing of skin collagen protein. Promotes blood circulation to the face and achieves deep whitening, spot fading, fine line improvement without causing skin irritation
BLUE LIGHT Quick and effective to restrict acne inflammation & breaks down the environment of acne. Smoothens skin and balances grease resulting in the elimination of skin inflammation
ORANGE LIGHT Strengthen muscles and stimulates the immune system. Balances sensitive skin, increases skin elasticity, improve dullness and looseness
You know that acne can make us feel ugly and self-conscious, wanting to retreat in our homes and hide from the world. And although acne is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of, it can still place unnecessary stress on everyday life.
When a particularly extreme acne breakout happens, it can feel like nothing works fast enough to get us back in the clear. COSMOPRO™ LED Light Therapy Mask for acne is a tremendous treatment option for fast results.
Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging. We do this because we all want to get the most joy and fulfillment from our finite time on earth. We want more quality time with our spouse and children, more belly laughs with our friends, more time to travel, and more time to leave our mark on the world.
Spas and wellness centers now offer specific anti-aging treatments to combat a wide variety side effects of the aging process, including red LED Light Therapy.
With our COSMOPRO™ Led Therapy Mask you can get the same good results comfy at home.

COSMOPRO™ Anti-Acne & Anti-Aging Led Light Therapy Mask
Sale price
Rs. 3,999.00
Regular price
Rs. 5,999.00
Unit price